Friday 4 November 2011

Refreshing the parts other activities cannot reach

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‘Will nature make a man of me yet’ is a line from The Smiths rather wonderful song ‘This Charming Man’. The band provided me with the soundtrack to my years at university and it is with some excitement that I will hear those songs performed live again tonight by tribute band ‘The Smyths’.

This week has been quite reflective for me.

On Sunday and Monday I enjoyed a restful two day break in the heart of the Cotswolds with my wife. During this time we visited the rather wonderful Westonbirt Arboretum which is currently showcasing stunning woodland full of brilliant autumnal colours. Go to for more information.
Returning recharged I noticed a significantly sharper edge to my questioning when coaching three of my clients which I believe added more value to the sessions.

Last night I indulged in yet more nostalgia by heading off to Ally Pally to see The Specials; another era defining band from my youth. Interesting how their songs which defined the unrest of the early 80’s feel so relevant in today’s turbulent world. The energy, joy and passion of the audience made the concert truly memorable, helping you forget the lack of intimacy of the cavernous venue.
So what have been the benefits of all this fresh air and live music in terms of building resilience?

Well I can think of three areas...

Firstly the opportunity to both recharge the batteries and gain some perspective about what’s really important in life.  Getting back to nature can be really grounding as you admire the trees and plants that have been  around for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Nature also helps us appreciate that everything in life is cyclical and that includes us humans. We need time to recharge and recuperate to allow us to be at our best, whether that be getting a good night’s sleep or working in smarter 90 minute chunks during the day.

Finally we sometimes forget the beneficial effects of being able to indulge ourselves in the interests and passions we know provides us with so much energy and enthusiasm. As you can probably guess I love seeing live music and always find it never fails to provide me with a natural high that helps me in other aspects of my life.

So to paraphrase an old beer advert...What are you going to be doing this weekend to help recharge, reenergise and refresh the parts other tasks and activities cannot reach?
in the words of Morrissey.... ‘What difference will it make?’

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